“Enter the New Year of 2023 with Joy”

So many challenges exist in our individual and personal circumstances, and within our families, our communities, our state, our country, our world.

How can women and men of faith enter 2023 with joy and thus know God’s presence?

How can we empower ourselves to live with joy?  

How can we “rejoice always”, as St. Paul urges?

Is it even right and correct to live joyfully, given the “signs of the times” that we face?

This retreat is designed to help answer these questions, and more.  Through discussion, reflection, art and writing experiences, prayer, music, other activities and quiet time, participants will learn how to increase their ability to live in God-given joy — and gain confidence in the power of individual personal joy to transform … everything.  As St. Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”