What treasure do we seek in our lives, and where can it be found?
As people of faith, we seek God, the ultimate treasure. And our faith tells us that God can always be found, anywhere and everywhere, including within ourselves. “Seek and you shall find,” the Gospel assures us.
The search can be daunting! We often shy away from the kind of deep introspection that can lead to true self-knowledge and reveal God’s intimate presence. But remember that the Gospel also assures us: “Do not be afraid.”
In this retreat, you will learn about two time-honored practices known for their ability to bring us closer to God. You will discover how to fold these meditative practices into your lives, gently and easily. You will enjoy time spent walking the Monastery’s labyrinth (accessible alternatives available), making your own mandalas (all materials supplied) and sharing new experiences with others also seeking to find the treasure that is God.