I am happy to say that these two works appear in “Reflections 2025”, the literary magazine published by the University of Southern Maine branch of the nationwide Osher Lifelong Leaning Institute (see pages 21 and 28):
It is affecting for me to see this very personal essay appear in “Reflections 2025”, the literary magazine published by the University of Southern Maine branch of the nationwide Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (see page 6):
“Advent Reflection”
This reflection was posted on the website for Catholic Artist Connection yesterday:
“Sunrise” (watercolor, acrylic, salt, bead)

“Going Forth” (watercolor)
“Thoughts on My Legacy”
This essay appears page 31 of the inaugural issue of The Branches: A Journal of Literature and Philosophy; one of my paintings is the cover image. I am delighted!
“Still and Small” (egg tempera, acrylic, dried plant material)

“Tumbling Blocks” (watercolor chips collaged on watercolor)

“Resilience as a Benedictine Virtue — An Oblate Reflects on the Closing of Queen of Angels Monastery”
It’s an honor and a blessing for me that this essay appears in the 2024 Fall/Winter issue of “Benedictines”, a journal published by the Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery in Atchison, KS.
On December 26, 2023, the buildings and grounds of Queen of Angels Monastery were sold, an event commemorated on March 20, 2024, at a specially designed transfer ritual. Thus ended one chapter in the nearly 140-year-long story of the Benedictine Sisters in Gervais and Mt. Angel, Oregon. And now the page is turned, and the story continues, with more chapters to come. What are the lessons for a Queen of Angels Oblate?
As events unfolded in recent years that would bring profound change to Queen of Angels Monastery, I was growing into my new vocation there as an Oblate. Eager as I was to embrace Benedictinism in general and Queen of Angels in particular, had I found myself at a dead-end? Would the Mt. Angel Sisters’ way of life disappear? Would Oblation disappear?
Natural questions, which the Sisters in their resilience have answered with a gentle but emphatic “No”. The answer emerged from their dedication to living the Rule of Benedict. While an ending in one sense, the closing of the Monastery is also a new beginning … and I know that an informal Benedictine motto is “begin, again”.
People with resilience know how to begin again. Not just once, but over and over again. Psychologists tell us that they possess purpose, optimism, adaptability, problem-solving abilities, emotional awareness, social support, humor and other admirable qualities. When resilience is enriched by faith in God and dedication to the Rule, it rises to the level of a virtue, and people with that virtue are blessed. Queen of Angels has always been a community of blessed people.
I want to tell you about the resilience of the Sisters of Queen of Angels; that of the Oblates, too. But first, some background.
For a number of years, the Sisters had been facing a situation familiar to other monastic communities. Demographic, cultural and Church-related changes were affecting the future. No one was seeking monastic profession at Queen of Angels. The lovely and capacious Monastery building, designed to accommodate scores of Sisters, had many unused rooms. Maintaining that building was more and more costly, while caring for the Monastery’s hundreds of acres of property posed additional difficulties. The time came to chart a new course. A meticulous, gradual and sometimes painful process of discernment began that was both a true test of resilience and an example of that virtue in action.
Today, the 17 Queen of Angels Sisters reside at Providence Benedictine Nursing Center, Orchard House and Mt. Angel Towers — all located near the Monastery — and Providence Emilie Court Assisted Living in Spokane. But regardless of where any of the Sisters live, their identity as a monastic community is intact, as is our identity as Oblates. Just as the Church is not an edifice but is God’s people, so too does Queen of Angels transcend its physical setting.
The new steward of the property is Catholic Community Services, a major Salem, Oregon-based social services agency. It has long partnered with the Sisters to serve the Mt. Angel locale with programs to help the unhoused, the hungry, single parents, families in distress and migrants. These ministries will be enlarged, and new ones added; the Benedictine Foundation and the Shalom Retreat Ministry will continue to operate as usual. The re-purposed Monastery building, listed on the National Historic Register, will burst with life once again. The park-like grounds — including the labyrinth, the peace garden, the Sisters’ cemetery and scores of specimen trees — are open to the public; a spiritual haven for all who seek beauty, solace and healing.
Now, to the reasons for the Sisters’ resilience.
The centrality of God is a given in Benedictine life. So is the day-in/day-out observance of practices, the spiritual habits that nourish faith and build up virtue of all kinds, but especially resilience.
These practices are set forth in the Rule and form the basis for the vows of the Sisters and the promises of the Oblates. Prayer and holy reading, of course; community life characterized by humility, obedience, stability, balance and hospitality; openness to conversion of life; appropriate silence; commitment to peace in all circumstances; service to all people … and more.
None of these practices is easy to sustain over years and years of an individual’s life and a community’s life; over the 15 centuries of Benedictine life so far. But they are necessary to achieve the goal that the Rule sets forth: “to open our eyes to the light that comes from God and our ears to the voice from heaven … to dwell in the tent of God’s Kingdom … to reach eternal life” (Prologue 9, 22 and 42).
Along the way to heaven, the Kingdom and eternity, as we commit ourselves to “do now what will profit us forever” (Prologue 44), things happen that call for resilience — things such as the reality that a former way of life is passing away and a new way must be identified and pursued, even as the goal is unchanged.
From my perspective as an Oblate, I see two facets of the Rule as being key to the resilience I’ve observed at Queen of Angels: praying the Psalms daily and cultivating humility, also daily.
The Psalms — running the gamut of human emotion, while always focused on God — show us how to rise from the lowest of lows, how to keep God front-and-center no matter what the circumstances. Whatever we experience has happened before, the Psalms tell us, and our hope is undimmed.
Practicing humility shows us that we don’t have all the answers. Instead, the path of life — mortal as well as eternal — is found in treading the steps of the ladder that Benedict describes. In seeking God’s will, not ours; in praying, watching, waiting and hoping; in seeking the advice of our companions and trusting their wisdom; in making kindness the basis for our relationships; in balancing growth with tradition; in accepting hardship serenely; all “out of love for Christ, good habit and delight in virtue” (RB 7.69).
Facing the closing of the Monastery, Oblate leadership guided members through a discernment process similar to that of the Sisters. Ours was aimed at securing our future within the framework of our Oblate promises, especially of stability, and we have also relied on the virtue of resilience. As this was happening, I became more and more secure in my own vocation. More and more joyful that I have accepted God’s invitation to enroll in Benedict’s “school for the Lord’s service” (Prologue 45).
Our vibrant Oblate community — almost 80 strong — has embraced the Sisters’ model of resilience. We are dedicated to playing our part to assure that Benedictinism not only survives but thrives, that its fruits are available to the whole world. We are attracting inquirers, nurturing candidates and designing new programs to nourish our spirituality. Joyfully and seriously, with care and devotion, we will carry the Benedictine legacy of Queen of Angels into the future.
It’s not fanciful to point out that the resilience that characterizes Queen of Angels is also rooted — literally — in the two symbols that appear as silhouettes on the logo of the Monastery. Nestled alongside the Cross of Jesus Christ is the image of the Giant Sequoia that has grown from a seedling in 1893 to its stature today: about 140 feet tall, its trunk some 30-plus feet in circumference.
What was in the mind of the pioneer Sister who planted that seedling at the front door of her new home? Could she have foreseen what the tree — merely by growing but also by surviving storms, disease and mishaps of all kinds, even being designated an Oregon Heritage Tree — would come to mean? For it became synonymous with “resilience”, the God-given ability to rebound from life’s challenges and to carry on, knowing that change can lead to transformation. And always, growing stronger from the experience.
”Backyard Botanicals” (watercolor, dried plant material)