The Creative/Spiritual Life Circle is a Benedictine-centered discussion group whose concept is simple: people who gather together on a regularly scheduled basis to share whatever is gratifying us or amazing us or troubling us or puzzling us about the delights to be found at the intersection of creativity and spirituality. In the Circle, we draw no conclusions, make no judgments and offer no advice or critiques. We simply listen to each other with the ears of our hearts and draw insights from what we hear. We engage with, and learn from, each other. We practice hospitality and humility.

Michelangelo “The Creation of Adam” (detail)
The Circle offers a dynamic experience founded on a four-fold premise:
1. That all people are inherently creative because we all share in the image and likeness of our creator, God. The spirituality of living God-centered lives is the ultimate creative act. (Rule of St. Benedict 72:1-12)
2. That each one of us has been given gifts of creativity and spirituality that are as individual as we are. These gifts vary from person to person in one way or another, and evolve throughout our lives. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)
3. That our gifts of creativity and spirituality, like all gifts, are to be used to build up the Kingdom of God. They are not to be buried, hoarded, squandered or ignored. They are to be shared and celebrated in the spirit of faithful stewardship. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 12:42-48; Rule of St. Benedict 57:9)
4. That creativity and spirituality blossom in supportive communities, because that’s where people thrive, too. (Rule of Benedict Prologue 45-50)